Sunday, February 6, 2011

Jan/18/11 Sophia Art history

Cisele rich on rich
土耳其coming to Europe
banyan - dressing
土耳其fashion 入了16th century, 在很多人像畫中有出現

Indians or indian color or chintz (cotton, fibers)
popular in England
Toile de Jouy
They think cotton is not fashionable, as it is cheap.

(人物) Said
paisley - cashmere pattern
Japan paints
space btw fashional body is called "ma"

Modern design in human art have very moderist fashion in both color and style
雙妹ma -> 蘇絲黃 -> 外國fashion -> 中山裝 -> crossover perfumr -> color -> mix material -> commerical - issymasake 1st have work in Art -> tidy fitting, 旗袍, form, drawing -> Make up sharp

live to death
Andy Wahol x fashion
Artist production

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