Dan Hin Ka (Ann) was born in Hong Kong, graduated from
the Hong Kong Art School with a Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art (Painting).
Mix-Media as her principal medium, she is concerned about everything in the
relationship between life and death, at the same time, to focus on exploring
the memory and possibility of different mediums, especially painting. She
has presented her works in Hong Kong in several joint exhibitions, at the
Cattle Depot in 2012 and the White Tube at Hong Kong Art Center in 2011.
She is an active artist and exhibition helper, and has worked for Ai Yamaguchi
(Japan) and Jayne Dyer for their exhibitions in Hong Kong. Ann worked for
'Viewor' - a Art Education web site until 2013, set up
studio “Petit Cottage” in 2013 at JCCAC, and assist solo exhibition《一線》in Jun . Now is a part time artist and curator.
譚衍嘉 生於香港,2012年畢業於 香港藝術學院 及 墨爾本皇家理工大學合辨 之 學士學位課程,主修繪畫。其作品以多種物料及裝置為主要媒介,對自身成長及人類間的關係過於好奇,並思索成長後記憶對人生帶來的連鎖影響, 以及生者對死者所載有的記憶的單向呼喚。作品曾於多個聯展展出,熱衷於參與香港藝術工作及協助策展,曾於日本藝術家山口藍及澳州藝術家Jayne Dyer展覽中工作。於2012年協助成立藝術教育網站 Viewor.hk,同年12月成為 Design Hub 網站藝術家之一, 於2013年在石硤尾創意藝術中心(JCCAC)成立工作室’小草堂’, 同年六月為《一線》協助展覽事宜。現為半職藝術工作者及策展人。
-Ann Dan
updated on Apr/26/2017 / rights @ Ann Dan