Friday, July 23, 2010

Louise Bourgeois

總會有事很煩心, 是我不夠成熟去圓滑地處理。
睡不了, 就把Louise Bourgeois 翻出來, 看一看。

今年離世的Louise Bourgeois, 是細膩的, 敏銳的, 我後悔我認識得她太晚。

「在我的藝術裡沒有面具,我所追求的是一種清澈。」Louise Bourgeois說。

以下是Louise Bourgeois 的其中一張插畫, 如此說著 :-

Once there was a girl and she loved a man. They had a date next to the eighth street station of the sixth avenue subway. She had put on her good clothes and a new hat. Somehow, he could not come. So the purpose of this picture is to show how beautiful she was.

-Louise Bourgeois Plate I from He Disappeared into Complete Silence 1946

畫面簡單直接, 筆直的衣服, 穿戴整齊的尿髮飾及化妝, 卻因為一直等不到要等的人, 都現出囧 樣了。插畫當中所表達的情感, 畫面的表達及衝擊力, 都增加可閱性, 令故事更有趣。


Once there was the mother of a son. She loved him with complete devotion. And she protected him because she knew how sad and wicked the world was. He was of quiet nature and rather intelligent but he was not interested in being loved or protected because he was interested in something else. Consequently at an early age he slammed the door and never came back.

Later on she died but he did not know it.

-Louise Bourgeois Plate 9 from He Disappeared into Complete Silence 1947

這些事在今天的香港可能見怪不怪, 卻原來在1947年, Louise Bourgeois已經用此作為題材。

我們常見的社會現象, 到了她的手裡, 是被黑色籠罩的家庭生活景象, 焗促(?)的畫面空間, 把寂靜的感覺放大, 雖然看似有三個人物在畫中, 但人物彼此之間的關係, 卻比留白或空無一人的手法所能表現的寂寥與等待, 來得更強。

要認識她這個人, 那她的盛名作品「蜘蛛」, 更不可不提:-


2002(1999)/Bronze, stainless steel, marble
9.27 x 8.91 x 10.23(h)m
Courtesy of the artist, Cheim & Read

以下是摘自其它藝評人 :-
所要慶幸的是她有了感性的性格, 才可以在複雜的生活中磨練出自己的作品形式及題材, 也可能是因為她是一個女人, 有女性天生的敏感性, 才可以在男性天下的藝術家圈中佔一位置題材。 或者, 單純地是因為她是一個女人, 有女性天生的敏感性, 才可以在男性天下的藝術家圈中佔一位置。


說到底, 對女藝術家來說, 寂寥與等待, 這是一件好事還是壞事?  Louise Bourgeois 可談的東西多得很, 一起來談論分享吧.

Louise Bourgeois的展览Pandora’s Box 2008

Louise Bourgeois走过世纪的当红老太 2003

Louise Bourgeois 回顧展

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