Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Opening 開幕- From Studium to Punctum《從知面到刺點》- BA(FA) Graduation Exhibition2012

From Studium to Punctum《從知面到刺點》- BA(FA) Graduation Exhibition2012
July 7 ·  · Taken and pictures credit: 香港藝術中心
由澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學與香港藝術學院合辦的「藝術文學士畢業展2012」,已於 7 月 6 完滿舉行開幕禮,由7號起一連 3 星期於香港藝術中心包氏畫廊及實驗畫廊展出。展覽是學院一年一度的盛事,也是每年本地藝術學士課程備受注目的畢業展;今年將展出 39 位主修繪畫、陶藝、攝影或雕塑的應屆畢業生以不同媒介創作的作品,相信可以帶給觀眾更多視覺衝擊和不

是 次 展 覽名 為「從知面到刺點」,主題源自著名的近代法國文學評論學者及哲學家羅 蘭·巴特(English name)的攝影理論,他曾在其名著《明室》中,提出以「知面」和「刺點」 描述攝影的雙概念。「知面」意指映象的敍事面,從照片中可解讀的各種知識、文化及社會的成規 。「刺點」則是刺穿「知面」的一個缺口,讀取純粹是個人和依賴於個人經驗與知覺刺穿觀眾之間的關係,為其帶來無以名狀的深深感動。

Being one of the most highly-regarded exhibitions at the bachelor degree level in Hong Kong, the Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) Graduation Exhibition 2012,jointly presented by the Hong Kong Art School and the RMIT University, was kicked off successfully with a wonderful Opening Ceremony 0n 6 July at the Pao Galleries of the Hong Kong Arts Centre. The exhibition this year will be showcasing artworks in diverse mediums created by 39 graduates majoring in Painting, Ceramics, Photography and Sculpture, starting from 7 until 28 July for 3 weeks.

Roland Barthes, the renowned French literary theorist and philosopher once applied the twin concepts of “Studium” and “Punctum” in his book Camera Lucida, in which he investigates the nature and essence of photography, as well as the effects of photography on the spectator. “Studium” denotes the cultural, linguistic, and political interpretation, while “Punctum” depicts the wounding, personally touching detail. 

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